Morning Star Montessori School strives to offer programs that promote healthy childhood development and confident, well informed parents. As our community grows, we will continue to expand our program offerings.
Early Childhood Montessori Program
Enrollment is open for the 2024-25 school year!
Email learn@morningstarmontessorischool.org for more info.
Schedule: Morning Star School meets:
Monday-Friday from 8:55am-11:50am
Calendar year generally runs from the beginning of
September to beginning of June
with a fall, winter, and two spring breaks.
Length: The program runs for 3 years, including the equivalent
of two years of pre-K and Kindergarten
2024-25 Tuition: $6000
Ages: 3-6 (3 by Sept 2024)

Our Early Childhood learning environment is designed to respond to the ever changing needs, interests and abilities of the children enrolled in our program. It is a "living room" where children are enticed to explore, challenged to think, and encouraged to discover.
Children progress at their own pace, moving freely between two large, bright rooms, and choosing from a wide array of activities that capture their interest and attention. Curriculum areas include: art, skills of daily living, sensorial awareness, science, geography, language and mathematics. Throughout the morning, children decide whether to work individually, with a friend, or with a teacher.
Teachers at Morning Star Montessori School continually observe each student's learning in relation to their development, and to the class as a whole. Based on these observations, they decide when to present a child with a fresh challenge, a new lesson, or to review a prior lesson. Our teachers' on-going role is to provide demonstration and guidance, nurture inner discipline and protect each student's concentration.
Each morning we gather together as a whole class to play movement games, sing, recite affirmations and listen to stories. One morning each week children participate in our "Music With Jodi" program, led by one of our teachers, Jodi Babcock, who is a licensed Kindermusik instructor. Also, periodically, we have in-house field trips: professional and artisan guests from our community come into the classroom and share their experience, knowledge and crafts with the students.
Here at Morning Star, children make lasting friendships, cooperate with one another, and become involved members of their community.

Caregiver-Toddler Classes
Location: St. John's Episcopal Church
126 1st Street
Troy, NY
Schedule: Four morning sessions, 9:45 - 10: 45 AM
Fall Sessions:
October 7, 8, 10, 11 (4 days)
Cost: $60​
Ages: 18 months - 3 years
*Caregiver attends this class with their child*
To register contact Amanda Montgomery at mandursss@gmail.com
Toddlers crave independence and desire to make choices on their own. At our Montessori Toddler Class, children - along with a parent or caregiver - will be free to explore a carefully prepared environment containing Montessori materials, making their own choices and working at their own pace.

During each class YOUR CHILD will gain:
INDEPENDENCE. Your child will have the freedom to choose the activities that she likes. You will notice that when you stand back and observe your child, she will discover for herself how to complete the activity.
CONCENTRATION. How often do you find yourself rushing your child through a task that he wants to complete himself, just because you are in a hurry? At our Toddler Program your child will have 90 minutes of uninterrupted time to finish activities that he chooses. The satisfactory completion of a task is a reward in itself, and leads to self discipline.
CONFIDENCE. Montessori materials are designed to be self-correcting, giving your child many opportunities for problem solving. Your child will gain confidence through repetition of tasks, solving her own problems and successfully completing an activity.
RESPECT FOR OTHERS. This is a carefully prepared environment where materials are just the right size for small hands, and within easy reach of the toddler. Children learn to respect the needs of others by keeping their voices low and returning their work
During each class YOU will:
Have fun with your child exploring a wide range of enriching hands-on activities that will develop your toddler's independence, concentration, confidence, fine motor skills, respect for others, and love of learning.
Learn how to recreate many of these learning activities at home.
Learn about child development, the principles of Montessori education, and how to fully enjoy the wonderful, but sometimes challenging toddler years.